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antenna array 【無線電】天線陣。


The paper discusses the amplitude - phase consistency in uniformly - space antenna arrays , and given a new way to make use of the mutual coupling to obtain the pattern that we need 在最后一章中,基于陣元互耦對方向圖的影響,從兩個不同角度,提出了對陣元互耦的補償方法。

To direct beams at users who are moving around , the processor must repeatedly solve the equations with constantly updated information from the antenna array 為了讓波束能夠瞄準四處移動的用戶,處理器必須不斷更新來自陣列天線的訊息,并且重復進行解方程式的工作。

Focused on resolving this problem , a new mac protocol dedicated to well utilize the advances of adaptive antenna array ( a type of smart antenna ) is proposed 三、為了解決上述問題,本文設計了一種新的旨在進一步挖掘自適應天線陣(智能天線的一種)優點的mac協議。

The mutual coupling in antenna arrays is studied with emphasis on the arrays composed of dipoles and rectangular microstrip patches respectively 本文研究了陣列天線的互耦問題,重點分析了由對稱陣子單元和微帶貼片單元組成的天線陣列的互耦問題。

An antenna array that is truly smart would be able to aim a radio beam directly at a mobile user instead of choosing a beam that comes relatively close 一個真正聰明的陣列天線,必須能夠直接把波束瞄準行動用戶,而不是選用與用戶較為接近的波束。

Microstrip antenna arrays can meet smart antenna ' s demands of miniaturization and low cost and will be used widely in modern communication systems 用微帶陣列實現智能天線能夠滿足系統小型化、造價低的要求,這在現代通信中有著廣泛地應用前景。

We apply svm , the new machine - learning algorithm , to the domain of the antenna array , in order to realize the source location in this thesis mainly 本文主要將svm這一新的機器學習方法應用到陣列天線領域,并用該算法實現對目標信源的測定。

So at first the on the base of the deep study on method of moments , this dissertation analyses the problem of the mutual coupling of the thin dipole antenna arrays 所以本文首先運用矩量法對細線對稱振子陣中陣元互耦效應進行了分析和計算。

Just as nb antenna array the pattern of uwb tem - horn antenna array is concern with the number and distance of elements at which the pattern lie in 陣列某一面方向圖僅與這一面的單元個數及單元間距有關與其它面的陣列單元個數和單元間距無關。

One of the convertion technologies of space diversity is antenna array , which is researched and ultilized in 3g and beyond 3g system 空間分集技術的一種傳統的應用技術是通過多天線或天線陣列實現,并在3g , beyond3g等系統中得到研究和應用。

Due to the importance of antenna arrays in smart antenna systems , the study of the array techniques is urgent and important 由于陣列天線是智能天線的一個重要組成部分,使得對陣列天線技術的研究成為了一個緊迫且具有重大意義的課題。

In this thesis , applications of several new algorithms of fdtd and mom ( method of moment ) in waveguide slot antenna array are studied 本文主要研究了時域有限差分法( fdtd )的幾種新技術以及矩量法在波導縫隙陣中的應用。

A design method of a wireless mimo link based on polarization antenna array & v - blast algorithm is presented in this paper 本文介紹了一種基于極化天線陣列與v - blast算法結構的多輸入多輸出( mimo )無線鏈路的方案設計。

Firstly , the basic theories and parameters of antenna arrays is studied , and the conception of arrays synthesis is given 本文首先介紹了陣列天線的基本理論和各項技術指標,給出了陣列綜合的概念。

The research of nb antenna array is mature , but the research of uwb antenna array is only beginning 對傳統輻射時諧信號的窄帶天線陣列的研究已很成熟了,但對超寬帶天線陣列的研究,才剛剛起步。

In order to hold the performance of the antenna array of hf radar the length of antenna array is also very long 高頻超視距雷達工作在短波波段,為了保持一定的天線陣性能,天線陣尺寸通常也較大。

Firstly , we review the history of uwb antenna , and introduce the background of uwb antenna array research 本文首先回顧了超寬帶天線的發展歷程,介紹了超寬帶tem喇叭天線陣列的研究背景。

It simulates the incoming waves to the thinned antenna array corresponding to any image scene to be measured 所以,可以用它來方便可靠地測量綜合孔徑微波輻射計接收機部分的g矩陣。

We use six linear equally spaced antenna arrays to simulate svm algorithm for treating with the incident plane wave 本文仿真采用6元直線等距陣列天線對于平面波入射的處理情形。